As I was driving along a beautiful mountain road a few weeks ago I was reminded of the Sammy Davis Jr. theme song to Barrettta. A little bird swooped down in front of my car. I could tell by the trajectory that I clipped him and looked in the rear view to asses the damage. I saw the poor thing fluttering on the side of the road. I race to turn around and go help her. She was sitting up panting but looking quite conscious. I immediately headed toward a little animal hospital nearby where they told me about a wildlife aid facility just up the road. There , a nice young lady took her in where the nurses would try to save her. I wanted to check out the place and told the receptionist that I was a veterinarian, however the policy was that no one could enter the work area of the facility. As it often does my admission of my profession led to an impromptu consultation about the receptionists poodle. Her 13 year old poodle had developed cataracts this year and was slowly blinded by the condition. She was sold a solution by her vet called ocu-clear, and according to her, was told that it would help dissolve the cataracts and help her dog see again. She paid $125 per bottle and was on her second bottle. So far the dog was still blind after months of use. I cringed when I heard this as I know that there's no medical cure for this condition. There is a cure though and many pets can regain their vision with a surgery.
I can't be sure if this person was told that the product would fix the problem but she sure seemed to have that expectation. Sometimes this could be a miscommunication. I checked the website for the product and they don't make the claim that it's a cure. They do make the following statement: "
Other nutrients in Ocu-clear help to reduce the incidence of cataracts in dogs and cats by promoting optimal eye health" .I can't find any scientific data to back this claim. I advised that she see a specialist to evaluate and make a recommendation and it's likely that if she gets the surgery her beloved poodle will regain her sight.
The moral of the story is Buyer Beware. Please seek second opinions and get as much info on remedies as possible.
By the way, I don't know if I want to call the facility back to find out if the sparrow made it. I don't want to know if it's bad news. She looked pretty good when I dropped her off. If someone wants to check , her case number is 1924 and she's at the greenwood facility. someone check and only tell me if it's good news?